Thursday, June 6, 2019

Why Buccal / Sublingual is safer;-

This can save your life! Please read! 

Very famous BBs like Rich Piana(46), Dallas McCarver (26) and certified expert  like Matt Porter (34) are dead. 

So please read my suggestions below.

Also, i am trying to help save lives here, so comment as per your life's worth...

Buccal or sublingual test enanthate:
(Don't comment, if you haven't tried it yourself)

Enanthate is dissolved in grapeseed/cottonseed/ sesame edible cooking oils. 1ml is hardly 10 drops which gets absorbed in mouth upto food pipe. It never reaches stomach or liver.

For TRT dose only 3 drops are required.

So instead of injections, can you take enanthate buccal / sublingual ?

From mouth it gets absorbed directly into blood stream and avoids first pass, like an injection. 

It's logically hard for me to understand why I should inject cooking oil, when I can simply put it on my tongue...

Amylase enzyme cannot instantaneously digest the enanthate ester. 

Oil in water test emulsions are being prescribed for better absorption by compounding pharmacies. 

So drinking this oily injection by mixing with saliva will assist faster absorption. 

Below is a Study on oral enanthate below. However in thi study 800 mg is given DAILY, which is too HIGH!!!

But a future buccal study with TRT dose is required.

Also i feel that these oil based injections are killing people, not the dissolved test esters in the oil.

Even synthol is made of 85% MCT oil !!!

So perhaps doctors should now advise to stop injecting and start drinking or taking raw powders !!!

So far, doctors and drug companies wanted to scare people from taking anything by themselves because it would ruin their business and practice. So they advocated only the injections route. 

Refined cooking oil is not meant to reach your blood and heart. 

Many TRT doctors are prescribing 200 mg cream TWICE DAILY!! And this quantity is for TRT and wellness purposes! So very high test, but without the oil is safe.

Liver is not meant to be bypassed. Elevated lipids tell you that you are over doing it. Injections bypass the liver and do not give the required first warning.

Oral administration has an upper edge in reducing abdominal body fat in middle aged men, as per this study:

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